I won’t give-in to self pity!
I’ll write a little ditty,
and talk about this terrible disease.
It’s a shock, I know, and dire,
with fear adding to the fire -
we cannot go on doing as we please!
We must keep a social distance.
Wash your hands now - in this instance!
Remember its important to be kind.
Be aware, but limit scaring,
cause the whole darn world is fearing.
It’s time to practice gentleness of mind.
We are all in this together.
In these days of stormy weather
its time to work towards the common good;
for our each and every action
will determine what gets traction;
to spread - or stop the spreading, as we should.
Let us hinder the grim reaper;
keep the graph from getting steeper
and stop more of our loved ones getting sick.
If you’re tempted to get careless
Just remember, that’s not fearless.
Be thoughtful to each other is the trick.
© Ngaire Shorter, 29.3.2020